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5ml 离心管磁力架

Cat. QYM05


启研磁力架用于磁珠法分离样品。磁珠可用于分离细胞,蛋白,核酸,或其他生物样品。首先将磁珠 与样品以适当的比例在 EP 管中混合。数分钟内,磁珠即可与样品中目的分子或细胞结合。之后将 EP 管置 入磁场中,在磁力作用下,与磁珠结合的目的分子或细胞可吸附在管壁上。弃上清,即可获得纯化的目标 分子或细胞。当外加磁场移除后,磁珠即分散,不会残留磁性。启研磁力架可用于任何种类的磁珠分离。



规格:10 孔,适合 5ml 圆底连盖离心管。


体积小巧,外观精美,可提供小体积样品的有效磁珠分离。可同时分离 10 管样品。


启研使用的是国内最高标号的磁铁,好磁铁是有标准的。每块磁铁可提供 20000g 的垂直力,表磁大于 5000gauss。



可用 75%酒精或 1%次氯酸钠消毒。消毒后及时擦干。不可浸泡于水或其他液体中。




磁力架包含强力钕磁铁部件,其磁性可维持终身不会消退。建议保存于凉爽、干燥环境。请勿在超过 70℃(122℉)的环境下使用。避免暴露于外加磁场下。






Quayad(启研)Magnetic Separator Rack of 5ml centrifuge tubes(10-well)

Cat. QYM05

●Holds:5ml centrifugal tubes with round bottom and covertubes. 10-well

●Working volume:1-4.5ml

●Small size, simple operation, suitable for effective magnetic bead separation of small volume samples. The Rack can take up to 10 samples at the same time.

●Store at ambient temperature, and temperature range that can be subjected to -20-70℃.

●Magnetic bead suction 20000g, Surface gauss greater than 5000 gs.


Product Description

The Magnetic Separator Rack is used for sample separation by magnetic bead method. The magnetic beads can be used to isolate cells, proteins, nucleic acids or other biomolecules. The magnetic beads are mixed with the sample in the proper ratio in a EP tube, and usually bind to the target biomolecules within a few minutes. The EP tube is placed on the shelf, and the target molecule or cell combined with the magnetic bead can be adsorbed on the tube wall with the magnetic bead under the action of magnetic force. Discard the supernatant and obtain the target molecule or cell captured by the magnetic bead. After repeated adsorption and elution, the target biological samples can be separated and purified. When the magnetic field is removed, the magnetic beads are dispersed and no residual magnetism. These magnets can be used with all types of magnetic beads.



These magnets contain very strong permanent magnets. People wearing a pacemaker or any other medical magnetized implant should not use this product unless advised by a health professional; the implant could be affected or damaged by exposure to a strong magnetic field. Keep tools and objects that could be damaged by the magnetic field out of the working area. This includes, but is not restricted to, credit cards and other products containing magnetic recording devices. Keep away from delicate instruments, watches, electronic equipment, displays and monitors. The magnet may attract steel or other magnetic material with high mechanical forces. Take care during handling. Avoid contact between two magnets. Do not pull the magnets apart if contact has been made; twist off to prevent damage to the unit or fingers.


Cleaning and Disinfection

The following materials are recommended for cleaning purposes. Spray and/or wipe the magnetic rack either with 70% alcohol, or 1% sodium hypochlorite solution (bleach). Do not submerge in aqueous solutions and avoid prolonged exposure to water or aqueous solutions. Clean with a damp cloth and mild detergent when exposed to harsh solvents.


Note: Do not autoclave the magnetic.


Storage and stability

The magnets contain high-energy Neodymium permanent magnets, and the magnetic strength will not diminish significantly during the lifetime of the product. Do not use the magnets above 70°C (122°F) and store in a cool, dry environment. Avoid prolonged exposure of the magnets to direct sunlight or artificial UV light as the surface material may become brittle.


